The Menthol Coach

Meet the Frisk Menthol Coach.

In his office he collects breaths from all over the world. he knows everything about fresh breaths and how it gives you confidence.
When he is not discovering new horrible breaths, he is on a mission to help you.

When you are feeling insecure about your breath, he is here to give you a new boost.

Frisk Heli

Confidence Booster 1: Presentation

Confidence Booster 2: Barber

Confidence Booster 3: Barber

Confidence Booster 4: Date

Fresh Breath Day

with the coolest mint of them all: FRISK.

To celebrate ‘fresh breath day’, FRISK created a scented experience in Belgium’s most visited shopping street, the Meir.

A giant face was blowing a minty ‘breath’ throughout the street.

Happy faces and minty breaths everywhere.